“My Life In Death” is the exploration of my personal path toward immortality through a series of technological art pieces examining our relationship with death. I propose an alternate definition of immortality, one in which physical death is required to confirm creative deathlessness. This document contains personal essays that tell the story of my artistic endeavors surrounding death including #deaddenah, a performative social media based intervention; Ghost Trails, a wearable memorial glove that uses a GPS module to shine a light when the user enters the space where someone was killed; MurderNYC, a project that conflates real estate listings with sites of murder; Outlines, an immersive installation where a user lies down within a human outline of LEDs and their body powers the device; 18.9, an infrasonic installation where users are exposed to vibrations at 18.9 hz while exploring a space filled with posters of me trapped under ice and drowning; God In A Box, a miniature hologram of Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain, and HoloDenah, a life size hologram of me, both exploring digital immortality and deification; and more.